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Selena Gomez's Relationship With Justin Bieber Unpredictable

Entertainment - Apparently the relationship re-established between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber is rumored to not get the blessing of Selena's mother, Mandy Teefey. Apparently, the news is not a figment. Later, Mandy told herself.

Mandy Teefey spoke about the relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. GossipCop itself known to many refute some news about Hollywood celebrities. Relationship relationship re-established between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber reportedly did not get the blessing of Selena's mother, Mandy Teefey.

Mandy also revealed that Selena Gomez is 25 years old and knows what is best. As a parent he did not want to organize his son.

They uploaded their interview passage with Selena Gomez's mother. It was revealed that Mandy Teefey admitted to being unhappy with her daughter and Justin Bieber's re-established relationship after both of them broke up long ago.

Selena Gomez is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control it as it has been rumored. Selena is an adult and can make her own choice.

Selena Gomez's mother still does not interfere with her daughter's love affair with Justin Bieber. Selena can live life as she wishes as long as she is happy, safe, and healthy.

However, until now the representative of Selena Gomez has not made his comments publicly. Especially about the sentence that Mandy Teefey said.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez resumed their relationship in December last year. Some time later, a source said that the family of Selena Gomez was not happy with her relationship and Justin Bieber.

The mother of Selena Gomez is reportedly worried about Selena Gomez undergoing a secret kidney transplant during the summer of last year.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez themselves dating since 2010, but broke up in 2012. They re-dating severed until finally broke up in 2014. Only at the end of last year both re-establish a love affair.

Hopefully the relationship of both gets clarity and smoothness for the future later.